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91. And especially those, whether by accident or design, involved in family planning.
92. But then, quite by accident, she made a discovery that more or less forced her to seek him out.
93. All new variants are at first rare and most disappear, purely by accident, before selection notices them.
94. It happened - whether by accident or design Olivia didn't know-that she and the Nawab were the last two players left.
95. Could she have triggered some unwanted response in this mysterious man, entirely by accident?
96. Almost by accident, Bob discovered that by having tasteful furnishings in apartments, they were easier to rent.
97. Johnnie had been an example of a pervasive counterculture phenomenon, a rebellious student but by accident a great educator.
98. Perhaps, in an exceptional year, several might, or a few may replace brothers or sisters who die by accident.
99. Yet Louth-born Wilkinson was a midfield player as a schoolboy and only became a forward by accident.
100. On average, the chances of weediness emerging by accident are vanishingly small.
101. By accident Jack became a hero, but maybe that was his nature, anyway.
102. Inside, the door to the North Bedroom had been nailed up, to prevent anyone from wandering in there by accident.
103. This will mentioned a child that would be born later; this was Oliver, the child you met later by accident.
104. Over subsequent decades several more were discovered, essentially by accident on celestial photographs obtained with powerful telescopes.
105. She became the firm's girl Friday by accident.
106. It was done by design and not by accident.
107. No offence, sir, I dropped my stick by accident.
108. The fire in the vestry had started by accident.
109. Commercialfishers catch the Portuguese dogfish both by accident and onpurpose—generally for its liver oil[sentencedict.com], which is used in cosmetics.
110. In contrast, girls are likely to discover masturbation alone and by accident.
111. In public places, the English make strenuous efforts not to touch strangers even by accident.
112. One beautiful eyebrow enters forest by accident, be chased after by man-eater.
113. Was it perhaps dropped by accident as the woman climbed up the 1500 stairs carved outface?
114. So how powerful, small today make up risk dead uncover secret ahead of schedule to everybody, if you are milquetoast,(www.Sentencedict.com) that ten million is entered by accident!
115. His chance came only by accident: Late one afternoon, skirting the pall of greasy cooking smoke that hung low over the Jungle, he stumbled and nearly fell on the body of a woman in a dry creek bed.
116. Jeanne came across the group of capuchins by accident and was astounded to see them carrying around and even giving food to the little marmoset.
117. Not by accident did strict new accounting rules follow the unmasking of fraud at Enron and WorldCom.
118. It was not brought about by accident, but by the malice of Cupid.
119. In the West, rabbit's feet are considered lucky, horseshoes and any penny you find by accident.
120. Wood had started coaching Jones almost by accident but turned her into the fastest breaststroker of all time.
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